Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Decorating

This year I haven't had a lot of time for Halloween yard decorating.  In fact, I decided that I really didn't want to carve a pumpkin either.  My solution?  Make a Mummy O' Lantern.  I also took a page from Centsational Girl's book and made a small Vampire punkin.

The Mummy O' Lantern was super easy.  I used spray mount adhesive and stuck two large googly eyes to the front.  Then, after spraying more adhesive to the rest of the pumpkin, I applied strips of cheesecloth around it trying not to be too neat about it.  Instant Mummy!


I did put up a few spiderwebs, spiders and skeletons around the front door:


Can ya find me in the pic? :) The Autumn flowers are totally fake.  I put them in my planter every year in the Autumn and don't worry about them again until it's Christmas and I replace them with some fake poinsettias.

The skeleton on the door was a Dollar Tree find:


A tree:


Notice the fall Auburn football flag in the background. War Eagle!

And even the mailbox got some attention this year:

The yard decor is not as elaborate as I usually do, but it's still fun for the kids.