Saturday, September 22, 2007

2 Product Recommendations

2 product recommendations for you:

First, let me say that I am in no way affiliated with the companies that develop and market these products. I am strictly a happy consumer.

1. Shark Steam Blaster

I have tile floors in my kitchen. I love my tile floors. What I don't love is the Georgia Red Clay that sinks into your grout and never comes out. You can't get this out by mopping. It's just not going to happen. If you live in a place where you don't have red clay, let me know, I'll come live with you. Just count your blessings, trust me.

So I borrowed this steam blaster from my folks on the off chance that it might work.
I'm absolutely amazed at the difference. This are the same tiles in both the before and after shots.

Here's a couple of before shots:
Ick! The grout looks nasty

This just grossed me out. I wiped away the excess water caused by the steamer and look what happened to the towels. The one on the left was ivory. Blecch! What scares me is that I have mopped within the last couple of weeks. The thought of the baby playing in this filth just makes me sick. But! Look at the after pics.

Now here's what it looked like after just one pass over the grout and tile:

Wow, what a difference!

It needs to be done again as you can still see a little clay in the grout, but not today. My back is killing me now. I have a huge freakin' kitchen with breakfast nook and the tile is in there and then goes into the hallway and laundry room. It took me forever to go over all the grout in these rooms.

Gee, I guess I'll just have to go sit in my favorite chair and knit. Poor me.

2. Holloway House Quick Shine

This stuff is so fantastic. I thought that my hardwood floors had seen better days and were going to have to be completely sanded and redone. Nope. This stuff makes your hardwood and tile floors shine like crazy.

I used this after I finished up the kitchen. It looks so awesome now.

Now that I feel like I've done something productive, I think I'll go get that knitting done. Have a great weekend!
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