Ah, finally, blessed silence for the 30 seconds or so that it took his brain to process the information. Then the conversation proceeded thusly:
"Your name's not Mom?"
"No, not today. I have a new name."
Silence again.
"Well, what is your new name?"
I replied (in a James Earl Jones type of voice), "Darth Mommy, because I am your Mutha."
I wanted to hear tiny sharp voice saying "Noooooooooooooo" but it didn't happen.
And so, for the rest of the day I absolutely refused to answer to mom any more. My eldest, of course, thought this was awesome.
Well, this led to a series of discussions about what Star Wars names the other family members should have. Dad was crowned DaddywanKenobi. The eldest became Jor-Jor Stinky Binks ( a play on the name Jar-Jar Binks which is a character that he loves and I hate, but we'll leave that discussion for another day.)
When the new little fella came along, there was much thought put into the Star Wars name he would receive. We needed a name that would be descriptive, something that would really show the true colors of a baby boy, a being that eats, sleeps, poops and spits up and does little else. At long last, inspiration hit and the child was formally dubbed:
wait for it:
Puke Skywalker.
I now present 15 month old Puke Skywalker in action with his brother's light saber: