Tuesday, February 13, 2007

wheels, detergent and broadway

Wanna see something cute? This past weekend was the World of Wheels in Atlanta. My older son is a Hot Wheels Acceleracers/World Race fanatic. The Deora II was there and he had to go see it, in his World Race Costume that Santa brought this past Christmas. The people walking around loved it and we got some cute pics of him in it in front of the car of his dreams.

World's best race car driver wannabe.

I promised to let you know how my laundry detergent turned out didn't I? It turned out super and it gelled perfectly. If you are looking for something that makes lots of suds, don't bother with this recipe. Nary a bubble here folks. Works great though. I haven't yet tried it with anything that is incredibly grimy.

Everybody keep their fingers crossed for me! I'm in a broadway medley production (very toned down and laid back, but still..) and I auditioned for a part that I want really bad. We'll see what happens.
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